Geophysical research

The areas in which we perform geophysical research are: geotechnical investigation work, environmental protection, water research works, mining research, detection of underground installations, archeological research.

About us

Terra Compacta d.o.o. is a company specialized in performing geophysical research. It was founded in 2013.

Over the years of successful business, we have become a leader in Croatia and neighboring countries in conducting complex geophysical research. We perform them in the field of geotechnical investigations, water investigations, thermal water research, environmental protection, mining and archaeological research.

Our team of experts, with experience working on a number of projects in Croatia and abroad (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Turkey, Malta, Syria, Egypt, Algeria), can offer the preparation of optimal geophysical research programs, their field performance, processing and interpretation of results.

We are present at international professional conferences and continuously improve our knowledge. We believe that success lies in the establishment of solid partnership relationships based on mutual trust and permanent dedication to providing the most modern service.

Božo Padovan

Director, Master of Science in Geological Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Physics.

Marko Maričić

Expert geophysicist, Master's degree in geological engineering.

Josip Mikšić

Business development manager / geophysicist, Master's degree in geological engineering.

Nataša Padovan

Director, Graduate ethnologist and professor of Italian language.

Valentino Mejrušić

Geophysicist, Master's degree in geological engineering.


We collaborate with institutions and companies in the field of geosciences in Croatia and abroad. Some of the partners are:

  • Hrvatski geološki institut
  • Geofizički zavod PMF-a
  • Seizmološka služba RH
  • RGN fakultet
  • Građevinski fakultet u Zagrebu
  • Građevinski fakultet u Splitu
  • Geotehnički Studio d.o.o.
  • Hidroinženjering d.o.o.
  • Geokon – Zagreb d.d.
  • Krešo Geo d.o.o.
  • Profelis d.o.o.
  • Contera d.o.o.
  • Grad-geo-ing d.o.o.
  • Geoarheo d.o.o.
  • Geosond d.o.o.
  • Geotech d.o.o.
  • PanGeo d.o.o.
  • Radionica statike d.o.o.
  • SLP d.o.o. Ljubljana
  • Blohm Consulting Denver
  • PASI srl Torino
  • IBIS-inženjering d.o.o. Banja Luka
  • Interprojekt d.o.o. Mostar
  • Winner Project d.o.o. Sarajevo
  • Terracore Malta

...and many others


Psunjska 3, 10000 Zagreb

OIB 10303379215 | MBS 080863386

Bank: Zagrebačka Banka d.d.
Zagreb, Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića 10
IBAN: HR6123600001102368964

phone/fax:+ 385 98 452 986

Base capital: 262.000,00 kn