A wide range of geophysical methods for research on land and under the sea.
A wide range of geophysical methods for research on land and under the sea.
APPLICATION: geotechnical investigation works for the design of tunnels with an upper layer of more than 50 meters, water investigation works, investigations of thermal waters.
RESULTS: 2D depth section with interpreted phenomena such as fault-fissure zones, bedrock wear zone, layer boundaries, caves, caverns.
Seismic refraction of longitudinal and transverse waves
APPLICATION: Determination of the depth to the bedrock and assessment of the state of the rock mass during geotechnical investigations, water investigation works in karst.
RESULTS: 2D depth models of P and S-wave velocity changes calculated by the delta-t-v-method and WET tomography, 2D MODELS of dynamic modules (Poisson, shear, elasticity).
APPLICATION: Geotechnical investigation works, soil categorization according to Eurocode-8.
RESULTS: 1D and 2D depth models of S-wave velocity changes, average velocity in the FIRST 30 meters of depth, VS-30
APPLICATION: Geotechnical investigation works, soil categorization according to Eurocode-8 (suitable for investigations in urban environments with high noise levels).
RESULTS: 1D depth models of S-wave velocity changes, average velocity in 30 meters depth, VS-30
APPLICATION: Geotehnical investigation works.
RESULTS: 1D models of P and S-wave velocity change in and between wells; dynamic modules (Poisson, Shear, Elasticity).
APPLICATION: Seismological research for the needs of seismological studies.
REZULTATI: HVSR spectres (Nakamura method).
APPLICATION: Water investigation works (locating water wells), geotechnical investigation works (rehabilitation of landslides, rehabilitation of waste landfill, detection of cavities, caverns, fault-fracture zones); environmental protection (pollution monitoring).
RESULTS: 2D and 3D depth models of changes in the electrical resistance of soil and rock mass; TIME-LAPSE 4D.
APPLICATION: thermal water research, water research works.
RESULTS: 2D depth models of changes in electrical resistance of soil and rock mass.
APPLICATION: thermal water research, water research works.
RESULTS: 1D depth models of changes in electrical resistance of soil and rock mass.
APPLICATION: Geotechnical investigation works, detection of underground installations, archeology.
RESULTS: 2D and 3D depth sections.
APPLICATION: Archeology.
RESULTS: 2D and 3D depth sections.
APPLICATION: Quality control of executed piles.
RESULTS: Speed/time graph.
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Psunjska 3, 10000 Zagreb
OIB 10303379215 | MBS 080863386
Bank: Zagrebačka Banka d.d.
Zagreb, Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića 10
IBAN: HR6123600001102368964
phone/fax:+ 385 98 452 986
Base capital: 262.000,00 kn